Department of Communities and Social Inclusion

Screening and background checks

Application Details


Please complete the following questions to help us decide if you are eligible to apply for an NDIS worker check in South Australia.
You require an NDIS provider or self-managed participant to verify they employ you, or intend to employ you, to be eligible to apply for an NDIS worker check.

The NDIS Employer ID is a number provided by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission to the NDIS provider or self-managed participant when they request portal access with the NDIS Commission. Please ask your NDIS provider or self-managed participant for this number.

Please enter the NDIS provider's or self-managed participant's NDIS Employer ID number and click ‘search’ to start the verification process. Your employer’s details will appear for you to check. Click ‘Add Employer’ and your selected employer will be added to your selected employer list. You can remove a selected employer by clicking ‘clear selected employer list’.

You can add multiple NDIS providers or self-managed participants who employ, or intend to employ, you to seek verification of your application provided you have their NDIS Employer ID number. Any one of these employers can verify your application. Repeat the above steps for each additional employer. Please enter the NDIS providers or self-managed participant’s NDIS Employer ID number and click ‘search’. Your employer’s details will appear for you to check. Then simply click ‘Add Employer’ and your additional selected employer’s will appear below.
    The Screening Unit will electronically send your request for verification to the NDIS Commission who will contact the NDIS provider or self-managed participant to verify your application after you submit your application to the Screening Unit. 

    Your application will proceed to assessment once the Screening Unit is satisfied that your application has been correctly completed and an NDIS provider or self-managed participant has verified the application.

    To help your application progress, you should let the NDIS provider or self-managed participant know once you submit your completed application so they can expect to be contacted by the NDIS Commission.

    The NDIS provider or self-managed participant can direct any questions regarding verifying the application, linking to you through their portal, or worker screening in general to the NDIS Commission or they can check the NDIS Commission’s website.    

    The Screening Unit will advise by email when a nominated NDIS provider or self-managed participant verifies your application. This email also contains your NDIS worker check National ID number which you can provide to any NDIS provider or self-managed participant to confirm your NDIS worker check status or link to you through their employer portal.